
I love Invisalign!

I believe in the product so much that I've treated my sisters, my husband, both of my daughters, and myself with Invisalign!

Invisalign allows you greater food choices, easier oral hygiene, and less frequent office visits, which is fantastic for our busy patients and their families!

We have successfully treated over 1500 patients with Invisalign, a lot of which were told they were not candidates by another professional. In short, our expertise comes with experience! This allows us to "push the envelope" to treat cases that otherwise would require regular braces. If you were told you are not a candidate for Invisalign, come visit us to learn more about the Dr. Kate Invisalign Difference!

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign uses a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable plastic trays to move your teeth. Invisalign is made utilizing 3D computer imaging technology.

Why Choose Us?

  • Experience Drs. Barnette and Feuerhahn are premier preferred Invisalign providers. This means you will be treated by one of the most experienced Invisalign doctors in the country. We are the largest provider of Invisalign in Southeast Missouri.

  • Success We have enjoyed so much success with Invisalign and have treated many patients who had been previously told they were not Invisalign candidates. Our expertise comes with experience. This allows us to "push the envelope" to treat cases that otherwise would require regular braces.

Why would I want it?

The aligners are not only invisible, but they are removable. So, you can eat and drink anything you want while in treatment. Brushing and flossing are no problem and they are comfortable!

How does it work?

You wear each aligner for about two weeks removing them only for eating, drinking, and brushing/flossing. As you replace each aligner with the next series your teeth will move. We see you every six weeks to make sure your treatment is progressing as planned. Total treatment time and number of trays varies from case to case, but average is 6-18 months.

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