Office Visits

Getting Started

Initial Complimentary Exam

Your initial consultation will give you the opportunity to meet our team, receive a free, initial exam, and find out which treatment options are best for you. During this initial consultation we will:

  • Answer any questions you may have

  • Create a custom treatment plan

  • Discuss all financial information, insurance options, and payment plans

What Happens Next?

After your consultation, we will schedule an appointment to take orthodontic records which include: photos, X-rays, and study models of your teeth. We will also place your orthodontic appliances. This generally takes about 1 1/2 hours. We will make sure you are completely comfortable, and parents are encouraged to watch if they want.

Regular Appointments

Visiting us every 4-8 weeks for an adjustment is an important part of your orthodontic treatment. We will work with you to make sure your appointments are as convenient as possible.

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